• Phone: 313-833-1300


Hannan Center Elders Winter Showcase Exhibit & Reception

Hannan Center Elders Winter Showcase Exhibit & Reception 1394 2176 Rebecca Gillespie

“A Traveller’s Tale” Movie – A look at Slim Gaillard’s music and work

“A Traveller’s Tale” Movie – A look at Slim Gaillard’s music and work 150 150 Rebecca Gillespie

BeyondU’s Hannan After Dark | Slim Gaillard with the King Sophia Trio

BeyondU’s Hannan After Dark | Slim Gaillard with the King Sophia Trio 150 150 Rebecca Gillespie

TICKETS: $15 | Begins 5pm | Contact Richard Reeves for tickets and more information

Midtown Neighbor | Grandparents Day at the Charles H Wright Museum

Midtown Neighbor | Grandparents Day at the Charles H Wright Museum 150 150 Rebecca Gillespie

Sunday, September 8th: Grandparents Day Celebration

Celebrate Grandparents Day at The Charles H. Wright Museum!

On Sunday, September 8th, from 9 AM to 5 PM, join us for a special Grandparents Day celebration. This fun-filled day is designed to honor and celebrate grandparents while providing a variety of engaging activities for the entire family. Thanks to the generous sponsorship of DMCU and the support of the Women’s Committee of The Wright Museum, admission is FREE all day!

‘Color My World’ | Hannan Center Players present

‘Color My World’ | Hannan Center Players present 1700 2200 Rebecca Gillespie

Come join us as Hannan Center’s Beyond U presents the Hannan Center Players “Color My World’

This unforgettable and thought-provoking performance will make you laugh and sigh. Experience a look at the past, the present, and glimpse the future while the Hannan Center Players perform original and classic poetry, short stories, music and more !!!

Embrace this colorful world of seasoned sisters and brothers…the elders.

We hope to see you there!

Beyond U – Spring Summer Session

Beyond U – Spring Summer Session 150 150 Rebecca Gillespie

Beyond U Spring/Summer Catalog

Beyond U Registration

Spring/Summer 2024 Registration Dates

Online Registration to Remain Available

Spring/Summer 2024 Registration began Monday, April 8, 2024

SPRING/SUMMER 2024 TERM BEGINS: Monday, May 6, 2024
SPRING/SUMMER 2024 TERM ENDS: Friday, August 23, 2024

Beyond U – Drums Alive

Beyond U – Drums Alive 150 150 Rebecca Gillespie

Fridays @ Beyond U


This class is a drumming and movement workout that is specifically designed to enhance physical, emotional and cognitive health.

Instructor: Meida Ollivierra l Time: 9AM – 10AM l Location: Zoom
Class Size: 10 min

Summer Sizzle – Tech Workshops

Summer Sizzle – Tech Workshops 150 150 Rebecca Gillespie

Saturdays @ Beyond U

Summer Sizzle – Tech Workshops

Each Tech Workshop will consist of a 30-minute lecture and a 30-minute hands-on, or Q &A.
Materials needed: A computer lab will be provided for computer workshops at Hannan Center.
Participants must have their own electronic devices for the Zoom workshops.

Anita T. Gibbs has over 25 years of experience in technology and computer science instruction at the Undergraduate and primary education levels. She has written computer courses, including a Capstone for a graduate student thesis argument. Ms. Gibbs has worked with The Hannan Center over the past 5 years providing instruction for older adults to assist in the foundation of technological ideas and principles. The courses provide the skills and knowledge needed for successful navigation, enabling a viable source of secure understanding and knowledge, for the ever-changing applied sciences and technological advances in today’s computer dynamics.

Show Me the Money
Saturday, May 18 | Time: 10 –11PM | Location: Hannan Center| Cost: $5
Students will review select financial applications to address usage as well as tips and tricks to secure personal data while in use. Bill payment options, auto pay, and paying by phone will be demonstrated.

Not Just TikTok and Instagram
Saturday, May 18 | Time: 12 –1PM | Location: Hannan Center| Cost: $5
Participants will learn basic photo and video creation, including cropping, filter use, colorization, black and white, shading, etc. Also visit platforms like Meta (Facebook) and X (formally Twitter), Instagram, and TikTok.

Internet Terms to Remember
Saturday, June 15 | Time: 10 – 11PM | Location: Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants the day before the workshop. | Cost: $5
Students will learn research methods, terms, and tasks for everyday use while using smartphones or computer devices.

Digital Messaging
Saturday, June 15 | Time: 12 – 1PM | Location: Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants the day before the workshop. | Cost: $5
Participants will navigate email, texting, and other online communication. Includes editing, erasing/attaching docs and or photos.

Artificial Intelligence: Real or Memorex?
Saturday, July 20 | Time: 10-11AM| Location: Hannan Center | Cost: $5
Participants will review what is artificial and what is real. What are the (positive or negative) implications of (AI created) Photos, illustration, tests, etc.

Computer Navigation: Tricks and Tips
Saturday, July 20 | Time: 12- 1PM | Location: Hannan Center | Cost: $5
Students will revisit some computer basics and review tips and tricks to better navigate Smart-phone and hand- held computer type devices.

African Mixed-Media Collage Workshop in partnership with CCS & Joye Opoku Ofei

African Mixed-Media Collage Workshop in partnership with CCS & Joye Opoku Ofei 150 150 Rebecca Gillespie

Collaborative Partnership with the College for Creative Studies

Joye Opoku Ofei was born in Ghana, West Africa. Mr. Ofei received numerous citations and awards as a child, leading to national and international art competitions in West Africa. His successful career as an artist has enabled his work to be shown widely, some of which is on display at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit. He is currently a resident drawer and painter who works with youth at the Detroit Institute of Arts, the College of Creative Studies, and the YMCA. Mr. Ofei will share his traditional culture, music, and artistic experiences during these workshops.

African Mixed-Media Collage Workshops

This class will introduce participants to the basic materials and techniques for collage using mixed media including paper, fibers, and found materials.

o African Village Collage Workshop: Saturday – June 8 | Time: 10AM – 12:30PM

o African Market Collage Workshop: Saturday – July 13| Time: 10AM – 12:30PM

o African Wadaabe Doll Workshop: Saturday – August 10| Time: 10AM -12:30PM

Instructor: Joye Ofei, Teaching Artist
Time: 10AM – 12:30PM | Location: Hannan Center
Class Size: 6 min/14 max
Materials needed: all materials will be supplied for this workshop.
Cost: $15.00 for one, $25.00 for two, or $35.00 for all three workshops

Beyond U – Saturday Book Club

Beyond U – Saturday Book Club 150 150 Rebecca Gillespie

Saturday Beyond U Book Club

Join us at Hannan Center for the Beyond U monthly book club led by Hannan Center’s own Pat Baldwin. Each month we will read a book of interest. Participants should plan to read the monthly book before attending a Saturday club meeting to join in a lively discussion.

The book for May will be ‘The Darkest Child’ by Delores Phillips. The Beyond U Book Club participants will select the subsequent books. We hope to see you there!

Dates: Saturdays: May 18, June 15, July 20| Time: 12:30 – 2PM
Class Size: 8 min/15 max
Location: Hannan Center
Materials needed: Purchase the book of the month; or reserve through your local library