• Phone: 313-833-1300

Age Out Loud is a blog created to explore a variety of topics written by various different writers. We explore topics around aging in place, art, caregiving, current events, and so much more. We will laugh, share stories, reflect on memories, and increase knowledge through learning. Let’s journey together and explore what it means to age out loud.

Recently Published

Ageism Awareness: Let’s Value People at Every Age

This November 9, 400 people will gather at a Detroit hotel to celebrate 70 adults over the age of 70 who prove every day that impact is ageless.

From dynamic changemakers, entrepreneurs, lifelong learners and achievers, to energetic community leaders, unsung heroes and artists, this collection of high-octane Metro Detroiters is defying long-held stereotypes and perceptions about getting older.

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Meet Sue Probert, Social Worker at Hannan Center 2560 1707 Jerald McBride

Meet Sue Probert, Social Worker at Hannan Center

At times, Sue Probert, a licensed social worker, actually runs to meet Hannan Center client needs. Joining the social services…

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Meet Mary Meyer Neff: Member of the board since 2006 1920 1080 Jerald McBride

Meet Mary Meyer Neff: Member of the board since 2006

Mary Neff has been connected to Hannan Center since the early 1990s when she was a social worker at a…

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Hannan Center’s Occupational Therapy Helps Older Adults Stay Fluid and Engaged 1920 1080 Jerald McBride

Hannan Center’s Occupational Therapy Helps Older Adults Stay Fluid and Engaged

Occupational therapist Stephen Souaid isn’t dedicated to getting his clients at Hannan Center back to work. Instead, he’s focused on…

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Health & Wellness – The Silver Linings of Aging 1920 1080 Hannan Center

Health & Wellness – The Silver Linings of Aging

Shared by Vincent Tilford – CEO/President Hannan Center, Midtown Detroit Growing old is like a surprise party you knew was…

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Ageism vs Dignity 1920 1080 Hannan Center

Ageism vs Dignity

Shared by Vincent Tilford – CEO/President Hannan Center, Midtown Detroit Years ago, I participated in a supervisor training program. At…

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On a Positive Note 1920 1080 Hannan Center

On a Positive Note

By Virgil Taylor My name is Virgil Taylor, today I’m launching my new segment for the Hannan Center Age Out…

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What is Ageism?

Hannan Center works diligently to identify and combat ageism. With so many messages coming from a culture that ridicules and dismisses the worth of older adults, Hannan is the one place where the number of years you have been alive is respected and valued. In fact, we ask people to consider the notion that the capacity to learn and contribute to society doesn’t diminish with time – it grows.

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Health News

Ruminations on the Golden Rule

Ruminations on the Golden Rule 1000 1000 Hannan Center

Most of us have heard some version of the golden rule, “so whatever you wish that others would do to…

After-work Caregiving Means Working a Second Shift

After-work Caregiving Means Working a Second Shift 400 120 Hannan Center

When an older loved one needs care, those who step in may find themselves balancing the demands of full-time jobs…

LGBTQ Ally and Aging Advocate

LGBTQ Ally and Aging Advocate 800 682 Hannan Center

You may ask just how a woman who identifies as straight, is married to a man, and has four children…

Support Hannan Center

The mission of Hannan Center is to preserve the dignity and enhance the quality of life of seniors in Michigan.