• Phone: 313-833-1300


Comerica Money Sense Financial Literacy Series

Comerica Money Sense Financial Literacy Series 1040 584 Hannan Center


Location: Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants
Class Size: Unlimited
Materials needed: Computer with Internet connection and the ability to take notes

Identity Theft
Thursday, September 19 | Time: 10AM-11AM
In this workshop, participants learn about methods used by identity thieves to steal personal information and how to protect themselves. It will also be explained what personal information is at risk and the red flags to watch out for with regard to common identity scams.

Debt Management
Thursday, October 3 | Time: 10AM-11AM
Participants will explore common reasons why people find themselves in debt and the most common types of debt. They will also describe the value of using debt management strategies such as loan consolidation, budgeting, and debt management plans. Finally, participants will compare various debt management solutions and create a personal plan about how to manage their debt.

Financial Exploitation of Seniors
Thursday, October 17 | Time: 10AM-11AM
Financial Exploitation of Seniors – Older adults can often become targets of criminals wanting to exploit and steal your hard-earned resources. This workshop teaches you about the various types of financial exploitation and how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Thursday, November 21 | Time: 10AM-11AM
Learn to understand the value of creating a budget and develop strategies to build a simple budget and pay off debt. Join us to also learn some core habits to practice and maintain financial health.